Reserve Your Spot Now

Enter your email to register for this rare opportunity to experience Nityda’s teachings for a FREE training, Saturday November 16. Space is limited, secure your place today.

Upon submitting your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to join the virtual session.

Join Nityda Gessel

Join acclaimed author, licensed somatic psychotherapist, trauma specialist, seasoned yoga teacher, and creator of The Trauma-Conscious Yoga Method®, Nityda Gessel, for this rare and invaluable opportunity.

This transformative intensive is designed to equip you with somatic tools that integrate movement and yoga for healing trauma in yourself and in your work with clients. You will learn the fundamentals of somatic work, as utilized in The Trauma-Conscious Yoga Method®.

You will receive a FREE introduction to Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems therapy models, and engage in an experiential practice bridging yoga with Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems.

What you'll learn in this FREE training:

Learn effective, evidence-based, somatic techniques to help clients locate and release unmetabolized trauma in the body

Learn how to go beyond somatic locating techniques and use movement in session to support clients with the trauma-healing process

Learn how to transition clients from intuitive somatic movement into yoga practices that further support trauma release

Learn how to work smarter, not harder, in sessions and leave sessions regulated and rejuvenated

This training is for you if:

You are a psychotherapist who focuses on cognitive and behavioral interventions and are looking to learn somatics to offer your clients an effective and holistic approach to healing

You are a somatic psychotherapist who would like to take the next step and begin integrating movement and yoga into your practice

You are a therapist experiencing burn out, compassion fatigue and/or imposter syndrome and you’d like to reinvent your practice and support your own healing as you grow professionally

You are a graduate psychotherapy student who is ready to become versed in interventions that truly work and leave you and clients feeling transformed after session

Therapists who train with Nityda share:

  • Relief from burnout, as you learn somatic approaches to let the client’s body and inner wisdom lead the way toward healing.

  • Increased confidence in your therapeutic skills, as you gain an increased understanding for how trauma is held within the body and what the body needs to liberate it, mind-body-heart-spirit.

  • Autonomy in your work and career, as you heal and liberate imposter syndrome, self-doubt, shame, and the barriers to freedom and success in your career.

  • Invigoration in your practice, as you learn techniques from yoga science, The Trauma-Conscious Yoga Method®, Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), and Somatic Experiencing (SE).

  • Belonging to a community of innovators, change makers, and heart-centered entrepreneurs making trauma-healing more accessible worldwide.

  • Catharsis and healing in your own personal journey through the parallel process of svadhyaya (self-study), that Nityda offers.

What trainees are saying about Nityda:

“Nityda is an incredible clinician and training facilitator. She opened up parts of me that I didn’t even know were there. She made a fat, therapist of color feel very safe and seen in a training that I am so often outnumbered in. Her consistent references to people of culture and debunking of myths around western medicine and yogic practices was refreshing and made me feel like this was for me within the first hour of the training. She tacked the topics head on and set firm boundaries to create a safe and supportive experience.”

“Nityda is a true mastermind and a beautiful person, both inside and out. I deeply appreciate her vast knowledge and her loving spirit. Her offerings not only teach and inspire but also plant seeds that blossom at just the right moments. She doesn’t just impart knowledge; she invites her trainees to explore themselves beyond the training and to step into the role of a teacher as well.”

“Nityda changed my heart. She helped me to see myself and the traumas I have experienced in a new light and access parts of myself that I was not able to access before. Because of the knowledge and insight gained from this training and Nityda’s expertise, I can now approach my clients in new ways and with deeper insights into their recovery process and even my own. I would happily take this exact same training again because it did so much for my head and my heart, which all serves to make me a better clinician.”

“Nityda is a Healer’s Healer, and this training does what so few actually accomplish: it holds space for both our own emotional breakthroughs as practitioners while teaching techniques that support all seasons of a client’s healing journey.”

Space is limited, sign up for this free intensive today while seats are still open!


Q: Will there be a replay?

A: Yes. Everyone who signs up will receive the replay after the event ends and will have access to the replay for 48 hours.

Q: I am not a psychotherapist; can I still attend?

A: Yes, however, this event is designed for psychotherapists, meaning that Nityda will be speaking to the specific nuances of integrating these methods into psychotherapy and using clinical jargon from time to time. If you are okay with that and open to applying what is learned to your specific profession on your own, then feel free to join us.

Q: I am brand new to yoga or have zero yoga experience; can I still join?

A: Absolutely, those with no yoga experience and those with decades of experience are invited to join us. Regardless of your yoga experience, you will learn invaluable skills to integrate into your psychotherapy practice.

Q: I am injured, inflexible, cannot move physically, etc. Can I still attend?

A: Absolutely! Yoga is much more than asana (the physical practice) and Nityda will be addressing this subject during the intensive.

Q: Is this really free?

A: Yes, it is. :D