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Joanna (Jo) Krasnisky, LCSW, RYT, Advanced Reiki Practitioner


Joanna (Jo) Krasnisky is a Holistic Psychotherapist in San Diego, CA. They work with children and families ages 0-10, & adults ages 18-26. Many of Jo's clients come in when they have realized they are stuck, afraid, depressed, anxious, lost, or repeating the same relationship or communication patterns. Jo is particularly passionate about serving the LGBTQ community and trauma survivors, including acute, chronic, developmental, complex, generational, and historical trauma. They also have advanced training in the area of traumatic growth, mindfulness, and infant mental health.
Jo guides an eclectic blend of therapies, including trauma-conscious yoga, mindfulness meditation, Reiki, inner child work, heart math, and cognitive behavioral therapy, which all contribute to mind + body + spirit healing. In session, Jo focuses on the somatic experience in the present moment, guiding clients to connect with their authentic selves.
All emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and identities are welcome here. I trust that the space I create allows you tap into safety, empowerment and more intimacy to the intelligence of your own heart. You are invited to feel seen and held while being guided to choose your next step on your journey. Connect through email, text, or IG page.

Practitioner Details

TCYM Certification Status
Trauma-Conscious Yoga Certified
Adults, Kids, Teens
Class Types
Individual Therapy, Group Therapy

Contact Information

7621, Eads Avenue, Village of La Jolla, La Jolla, San Diego, CAL Fire San Diego Unit, CAL Fire Southern Region, California, 92037, United States
Zip/Post Code


7621, Eads Avenue, Village of La Jolla, La Jolla, San Diego, CAL Fire San Diego Unit, CAL Fire Southern Region, California, 92037, United States

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